Diffusion, Volume X | Print Annual

Diffusion, Volume X | Print Annual
Artfully Crafted Photography Annual
144 pages, 90+ images, full color // cover: perfect bound, foil stamped
8.25 in. × 10.75 in. // 20.96 cm. × 27.31 cm.
English language, 1st edition of 500
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ISBN# 978-0-578-83612-6
Featuring: Aline Smithson, Amy Kanka Valadarsky, Andy Mattern, Angel O'Brien, Anne Berry, Anne Silver, Ashley Jennings, Barbara Dombach, Barbara Strigel, Bob St. Cyr, Brian Culbertson, Bryce Lankard, Chris Byrnes, Claude Peschel Dutombe, Connie and Jerry Rosenthal, Dana Stirling, Daniel Kariko, Daria Selivanova, Dawn Surratt, Dawn Watson, Deb Schwedhelm, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Diane Fenster, Diego Morales, Don Frank, Doris Fiedrich, Edward Bateman, Emma Powell & Kirsten Hoving, Erin McGuire, Evy Huppert, Francis Baker, Frank Lopez, Frederique Hervet, Fritz Liedtke, Harland Viney, Harley Cowan, Heidi Kirkpatrick, Jamie Johnson, Janet Matthews, Jen Kiaba, J. K. Lavin, J. M. Golding, Jo Ann Chaus, Joanna Epstein, John Singletary, Judyta Grudzien, Julie Moore, Karalee Kuchar, Katie Landis, Kimberly Maruska, Kimberly Chiaris, Kyle Dillehay, Laura Valentino, Liz Steketee, Lori Pond, Louviere + Vanessa, Marisa Redburn, Mary Anne Mitchell, Matthew Finley, Megan Zecchin, Melissa Lynn, Michael Behlen, Michael Kirchoff, Molly McCall, Morgan DeLuna, Paula Riff, Peggy Washburn, Per Bjesse, Peter Wiklund, Ray Bidegain, Rebecca Sexton Larson, Rhonda Lashley Lopez, Ryan Zoghlin, Ronni Knepp, Sal Taylor Kydd, Sara Silks, Scott Murphy, Shāna Einhorn, Sonia Melnikova-Raich, Steffani Frideres, Susan Burnstine, Susan de Witt, Suzette Bross, Tina Rowe, Ursula Lelen, Wendi Schneider, Yoav Friedlander, Zack Draper, and Zemula Barr.
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It’s difficult for me to summarize the story of Diffusion’s 10-year journey. It’s been a long road and it feels like we’ve accomplished a lot. While other press houses publish more titles more frequently, Diffusion is (and always has been) more than a publication: Diffusion is a community. To date, we have successfully sponsored over 10 physical exhibitions and we have created online opportunities for artists to support and connect with each other. Stepping back, I can say that the annual itself has ultimately provided so much more for its readership.
(excerpt from “A love letter to the crafters of photography” by Blue Mitchell)
Book photo with rose petals by Marisa Redburn.